*Check our Events Calendar for the date of our next Bocce Tournament.
2023 Bocce Winners. Congratulations All!
Pictured l-r: (standing) Dot Maggi, IACHH President, John DeCecco, Anthony Santagati (kneeling) Rich Murray, David Pappalardo, Kristian & Angel Lopez
2022 Bocce Tournament. It’s hard work holding down the lounge chairs.
Our annual Bocce Tournament kicks off our season’s roster of fundraising events each year.
Sign up as a team or as an individual (we’ll pair you with another solo player), and enjoy a full day of Bocce Ball, including lunch, and an awards presentation.
We award trophies to the winners, runners-up, and 3rd place teams.
2022 Bocce Winners: (l-r) 1st Place Winners, Joe Masini & Robert Spanziola; 2nd Place, David Clouse & (kneeling) Alan George; Runners-up teams, Joe Ruggieri & (kneeling) Paul Nadeau, Dottie Maggi & Carmine Puma
Vice President, George Paletta, 2022